

Types of magic

There are four types of magic in Hridia. 

The most common types of magic used by mortals are elemental (by mages) and demonic (by witches and warlocks). The casters from both schools are born with a talent, usually able to feel the flows of magic from a young age. They are taken in to train in their respective schools and over the time they specialise in one subtype of magic (fire spells, healing, teleports etc). While the training is not mandatory in majority of the world, it is recommended that a caster at least learns the basics of control. They might choose not to pursue further studies or drop out at any moment. 

While there are differences in how mages and witches/warlocks perceive magic and its use, one universal rule is that no caster should dabble in the dark arts. 

Some spells require only that the caster taps into the magical power, while other may require use of reagents and specific chants. All spells are taxing on the body and the mind of the caster, and tire them out. 

Divine magic
Elemental magic
Demonic magic
Blood magic

Divine magic

No mortal of any race can call upon or wield this magic, and only a few artifacts imbued by the divine can be found in the world. Most of these are weapons blessed by the gods, left from ancient battles, or relics of a long distant past. Majority of these artifacts are in the possession of the dwarves and elves, with a few kept in human temples. 

As these artifacts are rare and valuable, a lot of fake copies have been made over the centuries as parts of elaborate cons. 

Elemental magic

The most common among the casters, elemental magic is cast by drawing upon the elemental forces in the world. The magical spells include: 

Fire spells

Offensive or daily use fire spells.

Frost spells

Defensive and offensive spells.


Opening portals for fast travel.


Barriers and shields that repel or absorb magic. Invisibility cloaks.


Transforming one element, object or a body part to another.

Mages train at one of the few magical universities in the world. During their training, they live at the universities and study from the best. They are not sworn to celibacy and are allowed to marry among each other, unlike some of the rumors suggest. The reason most mages remain unmarried is simply because they get too focused on their work. Some spend their entire lives living at the university while some move out and find work (usually in the employment of nobility or rulers). 

The main rule that mages follow is that magic should be used for good and improvement of people’s lives. While they train both offensive and defensive spells, the mages have vowed to stay neutral in all matters of war. Even if posted in cities or working for the governments, their job is mostly to keep the peace.

Demonic magic

This type of magic is used by the witches and the warlocks. And while it’s not explicitly forbidden in the Northern kingdoms, many witches have moved south after the Alchemist purge that happened about 300 years ago. With its different views on magic, the south became a place for witches and warlocks to thrive in.

These casters study within covens. Most of them are born from other witches and warlocks and the talent is passed on for generations. In the south they are considered high ranking members of the society, especially as they are powerful healers. The most common demonic spells that witches and warlocks use include:


Casting and removal.

Fire spells

Similar in function to mage fire spells, just green colored due to its demonic nature.


Locating people or objects.


Healing minor and major wounds.


Summoning, subjugation and banishment.*

Death speak

Contacting the dead souls.

*Summoning demons is only allowed for training purposes, to learn how to subjugate or banish them if needed.

Beside magic, witches are trained in making other healing salves such as powders, tinctures, ointments and potions from various herbs and materials. 

Blood magic

Forbidden in all lands, this magic can be cast by anyone as its invoked with incantations, reagents and the casters blood. Demonic in nature, it is often volatile and not precise.

The caster, the spell and its target become bound by the blood used. And the spell can only be removed by divine magic or the death of its caster.

However, some spells are designed to be broken if certain conditions are met. While no one can undo the spell, there have been rare cases where powerful warlocks and witches were able to transfer it from one being to another. A demon was often chosen as the new host, then swiftly banished.